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Reactions Illustration

Facebook’s bevy of ad objectives are, frankly, a bit of a mess to anyone who hasn’t been immersed in them for a while. There are a ton of different objectives, divided into categories, some with surprisingly generic names. It stands …

Facebook Post Distribution

Over the last year or so, I’ve seen an increasing number of bloggers writing about how social media, and especially Facebook, is no longer a free platform. They cite the ever-decreasing reach of organic posts as some push from Facebook …

Facebook Reset Password Prompt

From time to time – and for some people, more often – you may log into Facebook and find a message preventing you from doing so. The message takes many forms, but the end result is the same: Facebook wants …

PPE Engagement

When you run ads on Facebook, you can run them with a variety of different objectives. You might want views, with a traditional PPM style of advertising. You might want clicks, and funnel traffic to your website. You might value …

Instagram Embed Widget

When you want to show off something on Instagram in your blog, there are a few ways you can go about doing it. Depending on how you set it up, you may have more or less control over the way …

Ad Fatigue Illustration

Facebook ad campaigns – and indeed, most ad campaigns everywhere – are not straight lines. You don’t start ads and let them run; you need to constantly optimize and adjust your campaigns. Usually, you start a campaign and get some …

Calculate Engagement Rate Facebook Illustration

A lot of times, we talk about the need for particular metrics, and how some metrics are worth a lot less than others. Usually, it’s metrics like raw clicks, views, and likes that are deemed useless, while other metrics like …

Facebook Ad Targeting Illustration

Facebook has a very powerful advertising platform, but it’s not quite the traditional ad platform you may be used to. Most prominently, it doesn’t run based on keywords, the way ad platforms like Google do.

Facebook is a fundamentally different …

FB or Instagram B2C

Businesses that focus on individual consumers rather than other businesses will find that social media is almost always a good idea. In these modern days of late-stage capitalism, social media platforms are essentially just gigantic advertising platforms with multiple channels …

Posting Too Much on Facebook

Any time you read a post online about Facebook reach, and why your reach is low or declining, chances are pretty good that one of the tips you’ll see is “you’re posting too much.” When you post too much, your …