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Track People That See Your Facebook Posts

Facebook Insights – and all of the social media dashboards that pull data from it – can give you a ton of information about your audience and their activity. Sometimes, though, it can be tricky to find the simple metrics …

Promoting a Facebook Post Third Party

Facebook is focusing more on friends and family, which inevitably means they’re giving businesses even less reach than before. While it’s only a matter of time before they drive off businesses entirely, they’re still a social media juggernaut, and they’re …

Example Blank Image

At this point, we’re all used to the way Facebook works. You want to share something on the site so you go to make a post. You paste in your link, wait for the preview to generate, type your post …

Cheap Ad Clicks on Facebook

Facebook, like most other PPC networks, has no set minimum to the cost of a single click in their ads system. Therefore, logically, the smallest possible charge for a single click is the smallest possible amount of currency: one cent. …

Reactions Faces

2018 is proving to be an interesting year for Facebook marketers, and not in a good way. In fact, a lot of advertising agencies are calling a January algorithm update the “nail in the coffin” for certain types …

Facebook Sales Dropping

We’re closing in on halfway through 2018 – yes, already – and the internet is changing all around us. In the wake of fake news and the massive Facebook privacy issues, a lot has been going on with that site. …

Auto Liker Example

Diving again into the world of gray-hat marketing, let’s talk about Facebook-based auto-liker apps.

Auto-likers are pieces of software, either run on your computer or on the cloud (which is just someone else’s computer). Their entire purpose is to drive …

Facebook Instant Article Example

Every time Facebook rolls out a new feature, changes an existing feature, or tweaks their algorithm, the one thing everyone wants to know is whether or not that change will affect their reach.

It’s a reasonable question. Reach is important, …

Reach Dropping Off Facebook

In the wake of the 2016 elections and a lot of loss of trust in the platform, Facebook has been making a lot of changes. Some of the most recent changes have shifted the focus of the site even further …

Like Button Engagement

A common thought in marketing is to simply find what’s performing the best, and then imitate it. This kind of trend-following works, though it’s often mediocre. Why?

Essentially, when you’re following what is already working the best, you’re not at …