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Update Facebook Ads Automatically

Facebook ads can be a great source of traffic and conversions. Alternatively, they can be a huge money sink with nothing to show for it. The difference is generally in how well you’re able to optimize, iterate, and improve on …

Instagram Blacklisted Shadowbanned

Within the last couple of years, Instagram has started a new means of monitoring and punishing activity they don’t like on the site. This is currently known as the Instagram Shadowban, and it has happened to people without warning. The …

Shadowbanned on Instagram

In another recent article, I talked at length about the Instagram shadowban. In short, it’s a penalty for the abuse of hashtags and other “soft” violations of the Instagram terms of service. When you aren’t explicitly breaking a rule, but …

Social Engagement Help SEO

Few will disagree that social media matters for business. There are numerous examples of businesses that would fail entirely without some well-timed posts on Reddit or Twitter, and of course every business can see the growth they gain by using …

Instagram Engagement

Instagram is the single social media platform with the highest average engagement rates. It becomes even more distressing, then, if you have low engagement on your posts. Maybe this started last march, when Instagram notoriously lost engagement across the board. …

Twitter Automation Illustration

Twitter has a lot of rules for automation, which is both good and bad. It’s good in that it means they acknowledge that automation is an important part of a business strategy, and that it can be used in useful …

Facebook and Zapier

Zapier is one of several automation systems you’ve probably seen me mention before. It’s simple to use; you set up a “zap” made up of a trigger event and an effect. Your trigger event is monitored, and when it happens, …

Automated Tweeting

Do you want Twitter to manage itself? I don’t mean writing tweets and scheduling them for whenever you feel like they should go up. I don’t even mean one of those content suggestion engines, that will give you a dashboard …

Numbers Under Engagement

When you jump into Facebook analytics, there’s a default dashboard with a lot of little pieces of information you can look at. One of those boxes is your most recent posts and some metrics with their performance. You see the …

Facebook Group Icon

There’s more to marketing on Facebook than just the usual organic posts and paid advertising. There’s an entire section of Facebook you can use that surprisingly few marketers seem to notice. That section is Facebook Groups.

Now, Facebook Groups are …