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Facebook Post Scanner

Facebook scraping is both easier and harder than you might expect. On the one hand, they don’t like bots that just come through and scrape content. The rate limits and the bot-filtering algorithms are likely to restrict or even ban …

Auto Promote Posts

Once upon a time, there was a Facebook page. The owner of that Facebook page was quite self-assured in the quality of their content, and implemented a feature Facebook had. That feature was the ability to automatically promote, or boost, …

Hire a Company to Manage Twitter

In the constant quest to automate, outsource, and generally minimize the amount of work you have to do to maintain and grow a social media profile, you’ve probably wondered: can you just hire someone to handle Twitter for you? After …

Automate Facebook Posts

Maintaining a social media profile can be a full time job. Literally, there are actual companies hiring people for the actual position of social media manager. Some companies even have whole teams for the job, with people who develop content, …

Brand New Facebook Page

The hardest part of setting up a new social media presence is by far the first hundred followers. After that point, you start getting a snowball of momentum going. You can get more and more people sharing and commenting on …

Facebook Tools Illustration

Starting a brand new Facebook page can take a lot of work, but there are helpful tools you can use to make the whole process easier.

Well, that, and make it more complicated. See, a large role these tools serve …

Instagram Hacks 2017

Instagram is one of the largest social networks in the world, despite their insistence on a mobile-only focus. They’re currently somewhere in the top 10, depending on what other networks you include; with 700 million monthly active users, they’re larger …

Crate App

One of the hardest parts about running a consistent social media page is just that; the consistency. Facebook pages typically require 1-2 posts per day. Twitter accounts thrive on anywhere from 3 to 12 posts per day, though most brands …

Responding to Mentions

Twitter feels a bit like an old dog in the game of social media. It’s still chomping on its 140 character bone; it will perk up the second you start feeding it but lay fairly dormant otherwise; and it’s running …